KinKi Kids World is for all English-speaking KinKi Kids fans who, despite the language barrier, have found themselves falling in love with KinKi Kids and their music, this is my humble attempt to bring us all closer to the world of KinKi Kids - Domoto Tsuyoshi 堂本刚 (244) and Domoto Koichi 堂本光一(51).

The contents of this blog are based primarily on contents found in other Chinese blogs, as I have only just started learning Japanese (which is とても むずがしです i.e. very difficult). I wish to thank all the Chinese Kinki Kids fans for their hard work and efforts in translating the Japanese materials/information on the KinKi Kids.

Created on 21 Sept 2008.

Note: If you are an only fan or cannot accept KKL, please do not view this blog.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oricon Style Ranking: Which artiste would you choose to be your lover?

Woah!  Tsuyoshi is actually No. 10 on the ranking list!  I am amazed!  I thought Koichi would be the one on this list and not Tsuyoshi.  I love Tsuyoshi but I wouldn't want to choose him as my lover.  Well, of course KKL is the primary reason, but whilst his sensitive and emotional nature probably contributes to his artistic talents and creativity which I admire a lot, such nature would also mean that you would have to be attentive to his moods and take care of him.  As Tsuyoshi himself admitted, he's a 面倒さい (mendosai) person (i.e. troublesome).  My nurturing instincts are nearly non-existent!  Hahahaha! 

By the way, does the absence of Koichi in the ranking list suggest that the two of them of successfully convinced the Japanese ladies that Koichi is really an ojisan and not an ideal lover?!?!  Wonder if Koichi's green-eyed monster will again be on the loose on seeing this news?!  Fufufufu! 

Source: Oricon Style

ORICON STYLEで毎年の恒例として調査している『女性が選んだ恋人にしたい有名人』ランキング。今年の第1位は【福山雅治】。これで06年から連続して4連覇を達成した。「歌もうまいし、トークも楽しいし、演技もできるし、作曲もできるし、かっこいいわで完璧!」(宮城県/10代)と本人よりかなり年下の10 代からベタぼめのコメントがあったり、「顔もいい、背も高い、歌もいい、しゃべりもいい、とても同い年とは思えません。。。」(長崎県/40代)という本人と同世代の40代までの幅広い層から圧倒的な支持を受けた。主演するNHK大河ドラマ『龍馬伝』の放送も開始され、今年ますますの活躍が期待されるだけに5連覇への視界も良好というところだろうか。

続いて2位には【水嶋ヒロ】がランクイン。そのルックスはもちろんのことながら「人としてカッコいい」(北海道/10代)「外見は今ドキのイケメンなのに、誠実で優しく、一途に愛する姿が素敵」(茨城県/40代)とその生き様に多くの女性が “オトされて”しまったようだ。



それ以下の順位を見てみると6位の【小栗旬】以外は7位【山下智久】(NEWS)、8位・9位にはともに嵐の【松本潤】、【二宮和也】、そして10位には【堂本剛】(KinKi Kids)が入るなどジャニーズ勢の強さが際立つ結果となった。



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